勞動力管理》雜志是全球領先的也是發行量最大的人力資源管理期刊之一,備受全球人力資源高層管理人員的推寵。她刊載人力資源管理、雇員培訓、勞資關系,人力資源管理和服務,人力資源的政策和實踐等方面的文章和評論,每月兩期,由專業提供人力資源管理信息與市場服務Crain Communications公司出版。
Workforce Management is a USA magazine covering business employment.
This magazine is owned by Crain Communications, Inc.,which is a privately held company focused on providing management information and marketing services to human resources (HR) professionals.
Published twice monthly, Workforce Management magazine is the leading business publication for workforce management and human resources professionals providing news, trends and analysis ,such as recruitment, retention, employment law, human resource products and services, HR policies and practices, HR benchmarksthat will help you solve today's HR issues and plan for tomorrow's.